Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Complete One host workshop on maximising the 1440 minutes of every day

Newcastle-based outsourced sales and marketing firm, Complete One argue that effective time management is what separates those that achieve average results from the individuals that achieve extraordinary ones. This week the firm held a workshop on maximising the 1440 minutes of every day. 

Entrepreneur, business owner and Managing Director at Complete One, Glen Lowes, believes that providing ongoing education is the key to success. This week Mr Lowes hosted a company-wide workshop on maximising the 1440 minutes of every day.  

Mr Lowes believes that successful people know how to manage time and therefore are able to complete lots of tasks with the 24 hours everyone has. During the two-hour workshop, Mr Lowes shared his three top tips for effective time management.

1. Take responsibility and control
The first step to controlling time is taking responsibility for it. “You have to own your time and take responsibility for yourself and your actions,” said Mr Lowes. Complete One argue that many people complain about not having enough time, however, successful people have the same amount of time each day as those that are unsuccessful, they just use it wisely. Mr Lowes stated that, “time isn’t working against you; it’s meant to work for you.”

2. Work in time intervals
Complete One state that in order to maintain the motivation to pursue goals and maximise every hour of every day, it’s crucial to work in small time intervals. With people’s attention spans getting shorter, it might be necessary to work in focused intervals if needed. Complete One suggest working in 15 minuteintervals, giving a task complete concentration and if that’s too short, moving to 30 minute intervals.  “Do whatever it takes to be productive and accomplish your goals. Control your time don’t be consumed by it,” said Mr Lowes. 

3. Eliminate wasteful activities
The biggest consumer of time is pointless tasks that don’t contribute to the bigger picture claims Complete One. Mr Lowes encouraged the firm’s contractors to assess their schedule and to make a list of every activity they do on a daily basis that doesn’t help them to progress towards their goals. For example, for most people, social media or technology can prove to be incredibly distracting and wastes tremendous amounts of time. “By identifying the tasks that are not productive, and eliminating them it provides more time to focus on the tasks that count,” said Mr Lowes. 

“There is inevitably a link between time management and productivity.  If people want to achieve optimum productivity levels, they have to master their time first,” said Managing Director, Glen Lowes.

Complete One is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Newcastle. The firm specialises in a personalised form of direct marketing, which allows them to make long-lasting connections with consumers on behalf of their clients’ brands. By working closely alongside their clients, the firm is able to design and implement campaigns that are tailored to their target consumers. At Complete One they frequently host educational workshops and seminars to help their staff and contractors enhance their business development. 

Date Published:  23rd November 2016

Friday, 18 November 2016

Complete One: Why being a good listener is vital to becoming successful in business

Sales and marketing specialists Complete One urge people to fine-tune their listening skills to maximise potential success rates.

Newcastle-based Complete One are confident that fine-tuning listening skills can enhance personal success across a variety of business situations. When building relationships and networking within business activities, professionals can be too keen to promote their abilities and accomplishments - it's important to understand the real asset they have is to listen and take an interest in those around them to achieve strong business links.

Complete One share their top tips on enhancing those listening skills:

1. Make eye contact – When establishing or maintaining a new relationship, it is crucial to engage and collect a better understanding of a given situation. A clear indicator of interest in a conversation is good eye contact and NVC (non-verbal communication). The firm is confident that personal connections will be enhanced if eye contact and NVC is kept positive during a discussion.

2. Only ask one question at a time – When listening to a conversation, it is good practice to wait until the end to ask any inquiries to avoid too many interruptions or redundant questions that would instead be covered by the speaker. When raising queries, Complete One believe it is important to only challenge one at a time.

3. Pay attention – Regardless of multitasking ability, it is bad practice to become distracted when someone is speaking. Instead, pop down any mobile devices and engage fully, taking in all the conversation has to offer.

4. Do not talk – It is important when listening, to fully do so. It is easy to shut a person down with questions or feedback, but instead allow the other person time to speak and relay their information and opinions before responding.

Complete One offer mentoring services to local entrepreneurs and a  common topic that often arises is how to improve listening skills, and the impact on personal relationship development. “When looking after another brand's customers, it is crucial to gather a full understanding of a consumer’s situation to maximise customer experience and build a positive relationship. Our independent contractors are developing new skills in listening and evaluating a client’s needs,” says Glen Lowe’s Managing Director of Complete One.

Complete One is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Newcastle. The company specialises in a personalised form of direct marketing, which allows them to make long-lasting connections with consumers on behalf of their clients’ brands. By utilising the human element, Complete One can deliver marketing strategies with ‘the personal touch’.  


Date Published:  18th November 2016

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Complete One host tutorial on how to become an exceptional leader

Since their inception in 2012, Complete One have extended their market reach across the UK and acquired new clients to their portfolio. Managing Director, Glen Lowes attributes much of the firm’s success to the fact that they laid strong leadership foundations right from the offset. 

This week, Managing Director at Complete One, Glen Lowes hosted a business tutorial, focusing on what it takes to become an exceptional leader. 

1. Inspire and motivate others

Mr Lowes states that great leaders create a vision of the future and talk about the bigger picture in order to galvanise and motivate their team to work together to achieve a common goal. The best leaders know what buttons to push to inspire and motivate their team to get the best results. 

2. Integrity and honesty

At Complete One they encourage integrity and honesty. "Great leaders are completely transparent; they stay true to their promises, they do what they say they are going to do and they walk their talk," said Mr Lowes. The entrepreneur and business owner argues that honesty is crucial in business. “Sometimes people won’t like what you have to say, but honest and constructive feedback is what will help people to develop.” 

3. Builds relationships

Success in business requires solid relationships claims Complete One. Business is built on a solid foundation of relationships and trust. The sales and marketing specialists state that budding entrepreneurs and business owners must take time to build relationships with members of their team, customers, business partners and associates. The stronger a business professional’s relationships are, the better they will be as a leader.

4. Drive results

The best leaders are never satisfied with the position they are in and they are always striving to make things happen. Complete One claims that great leaders possess a high level of perseverance and drive,and that they can be counted on to get things done.

5. Develops others

At Complete One they are committed to the development of the people they work with and Mr Lowes states that the most effective leaders recognise the importance of developing others. At Complete One they take time every day to assist their staff and contractors to learn develop their business acumen. They believe that education is the biggest component for success and they invest a lot of time to help assist everyone they work with to expand their knowledge and skill-set. The investment of time into people will inspire the next generation of leaders. 

“Leadership is something we put a real emphasis on at Complete One. Encouraging people to take charge and lead by example,” said Managing Director, Glen Lowes. 

Complete One is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Newcastle. The firm specialises in a personalised form of direct marketing which allows them to make long-lasting connections with consumers on behalf of their clients’ brands. Complete One believes that their commitment to developing leaders has been the catalyst for their success.  

Date Published: 17th November 2016

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Complete One secures sponsorship deal with rugby union premier league team

Newcastle-based outsourced sales and marketing firm, Complete One recently secured a sponsorship deal with Rugby Union Premier League team, Newcastle Falcons. Managing Director at Complete One, Glen Lowes was excited to reveal the exclusive details of the sponsorship. 

Mr Lowes had been negotiating the sponsorship deal with Newcastle Falcons for a number of weeks and here he has revealed the details and benefits to the firm. As part of the sponsorship package, Complete One will receive a number of perks including; a signed shirt, hospitality tickets, a stadium announcement, their name and logo advertised on the big screen and in the player biography of the match day programme, a stadium announcement when a player scores as well as match day tickets to a game of Mr Lowes choice. 

Newcastle Falcons were established in 1877 and played under the name of Gosforth Football Club until 1990. The name was then changed to Newcastle Gosforth when the club began to play at Kingston Park stadium.  At the start of the professional era, the club adopted its current name of Newcastle Falcons. The Falcons have the prestige of currently being the only professional rugby club in North East England. The club has an impressive professional history with one Premiership and four domestic cups to their name, as well as boasting a number of homegrown internationals on the side. 

Complete One is particularly excited to have ties with a sports team.  The company firmly believes that there are many similarities in what it takes to be successful in sports and business. “In order to succeed in sports, natural born talent definitely plays a factor. However for teams to succeed it takes teamwork, a strong work ethic, total commitment and an unshakeable desire to succeed and those are the same traits necessary for success in business,” said Glen Lowes, Managing Director at Complete One. 

The association with Newcastle Falcons will also prove to be great exposure for the firm and assist them in their growth plans.  At Complete One they are consistently looking for the next wave of ambitious and talented individuals to help continue to take their business forward and often try to attract sports players and enthusiasts and they believe that an association with Newcastle Falcons will help them to attract those types of individuals.  

Complete One is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Newcastle. The firm specialises in a personalised form of direct marketing, which allows them to make long-lasting connections with consumers on behalf of their clients’ brands. By utilising the human element, Complete One are able to deliver marketing strategies with ‘the personal touch’. Complete One are excited to have secured the sponsorship deal with Newcastle Falcons and are looking forward to cheering the team on when they attend the games.