Friday, 17 April 2015

Complete One: Entrepreneurs must have a social mission

Complete One, specialists in sales and marketing, believe entrepreneurs must have a social mission in order to achieve business success.  The company believes doing good is a business strategy, not merely a moral argument or trend and that businesses with a strong social mission have a competitive advantage.   The customer acquisition specialists investigate the reasons companies should include a social mission in their business plans. 

1. Operate "consciously"

Businesses fall into two categories: conscious or unconscious.  Quite simply, conscious businesses operate in a way where employees, customers, shareholders and partners alike feel that they are seen and heard and that their needs are met.  Conscious businesses are concerned with “social good” to varying degrees. They are self-aware and understand the implications business activities can have on people, communities and the planet.

Unconscious businesses view any affected parties are a means to an end, they serve only the needs of the company.  This way of doing business can be great for profits, however there are possible long-term negative effects of conducting business this way, unconscious businesses have been responsible for nearly every scandal, market crash and war since the dawn of time.

2. Create multi-faceted value

Social entrepreneurs aren’t only concerned about making money; they also want to create value for the community.  Socially aware companies take into account the sacrifice of the cost to society, while calculating the cost of doing business.  Entrepreneurship is synonymous with innovation and therefore it would be naive and counterproductive to choose to advance society in a way that didn’t take into account those on the receiving end of the innovation.

3. Start small but think big

These days people are far more aware of environmental issues and social needs.  More and more entrepreneurs are starting to reflect their values in what they create.  Entrepreneurs should ask themselves whether they are making good choices not only for their customers but also the communities they live in and ultimately the planet.  

Complete One specialise in below line customer acquisition. They provide their clients with cost-effective, measurable and tailor-made marketing solution that deliver the personal touch and guarantee ROI.  Their expertise lies in increasing market share and raising brand awareness for their client portfolio, through face-to-face promotional marketing and sales campaigns, at high profile events and venues.  In a world of ever-advancing technologies, they’ve gone back to basic to utilise the most proven form of communication and customer engagement, face to face conversations.  They provide their clients and customers with the highest quality experience by offering a full service approach to direct marketing.

Complete One has a company culture that promotes entrepreneurship.  They have a proven track record of coaching and developing people into business professionals, through the companies Business Development Program.   “Entrepreneurs must start being socially aware and take into account the affects of their business practices on customers and community alike.” Said Managing Director at Complete One Glen Lowes. 

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Complete One Announce Commitment to On-going Development

Complete One reconfirm commitment to ensuring entrepreneurship is actively promoted as a great career choice. The firm believes work-force development is the key to business growth as is illustrated by the company's dedication to providing contractors with opportunities for personal and professional development through free workshops.

The Personal Development in the Workplace Study 2014 found that companies are putting staff training and development back on the agenda after cutting back during the recession. An increasing number of employees now feel their employer is serious about their personal development. According to the report, 58% of employees responded positively compared with just 52% the year before. The number of employees being provided with structured personal development plans has also increased, up 8% Year-on-year to 42%.
Research also showed that employees are discussing their personal development more frequently with employers.

The number claiming that they never discuss development and training is down by 5% to 23%.Still over half of small business employers, 58% to be exact, still aren't providing development or training initiatives.

Unfortunately the report has revealed that women and men aren't getting equal opportunities.42% of men now have a personal development plan compared with only 39% of women.  Complete One is an equal opportunity business, regardless of age, gender, education, colour or experience, everyone is offered the same opportunities.

Providing employees with development opportunities can be hugely beneficial for small businesses and can drastically assist in their growth. When employees feel like they have the chance to progress and grow it can assist in retention.  Through their commitment to on-going development, Complete One have reaped the benefits.  The company has grown from one location in Newcastle to an office in Scotland's capital City Edinburgh last year and they have plans to expand into Glasgow in April.  The company are advocates of entrepreneurship and are committed to developing and training their work-force.

"One of the things I love about being a business owner is being able to provide development opportunities for others and Complete One is first and foremost a development business. " said Managing Director, Glen Lowes.

At Complete One we specialise in below line customer acquisition. Our expertise lies in increasing market share and raising brand awareness, for our client portfolio, through face to face promotional marketing / sales campaigns at high profile events and venues throughout the North East and Scotland. In a world of ever advancing technologies, we offer our clients more personalised marketing strategies. Our tailor made marketing strategies, developed by identifying each clients USP, allow us to create the perfect campaign, for maximum impact, for any client within any industry. We provide both our clients and customers with the highest quality experience by offering a full service approach to direct marketing.