Tuesday 18 March 2014

Complete One's 10 Golden Rules For Providing Excellent Customer Service

    At Complete One we firmly believe that our success has been built on always putting the customer first! Below are our 10 golden rules for ensuring great customer service.

    1/ The old adage, the customer is always right, should always be remembered. Your main objective is to service and satisfy customer needs and strive for customer satisfaction!

    2/ Be a good listener. Take time to identify customer needs. Effective listening and undivided attention are particularly important on the show floor where there is a great danger of looking around to see to who else we could be selling to.
    3/ Identify and anticipate needs. Customers don't buy products or services. They buy good feelings and solutions to problems. Most customer needs are emotional rather than logical. The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs.
    4/ Make customers feel important and appreciated by treating them as individuals. Always use their name when talking to them as it personalises their experience. People value sincerity and It creates good feeling and trust which hopefully builds a relationship which will lead to brand loyalty.
    5/ Always look for ways to help your customers. When they have a request (as long as it is reasonable) tell them that you can do it and figure out how to later. Try to make doing business with you easy and always do what you say you are going to do.
    6/ When something goes wrong, apologise. Customers appreciate it. Deal with problems immediately and let customers know what you have done. Make it simple for customers to complain and value their complaints as it gives us an opportunity to improve our service.

    7/ Think of ways to elevate yourself above the competition. It can be a crowded market and by changing small aspects of your business it could lead to greater customer acquisition rates.

    8/ Get regular feedback, encourage and welcome suggestions about how you could improve.

    9/ Treat the people you work with well, they are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are.

    10/ The golden rule of customer service is always put the customer first! Ensuring they have a positive experience when dealing with you should be your number one priority.

Monday 10 March 2014

Complete One on Brand Loyalty & Direct Marketing

Brand loyalty is defined as the tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands.

In the age of the internet, Brand Loyalty is slowly disappearing. Apart from a few exceptions, top brands aren't able to retain their status as market leaders as long as they used to. So what's changed? Before the internet people tended to make purchase decisions based on advertisements and past experiences with a company. However, a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 80% of consumers now look at online reviews before making major purchases, and a host of studies have logged the strong influence those reviews have on the decisions people make. 

So what can companies do to fix this? Alter their marketing strategy! At Complete One, in our experience consumer confidence and brand loyalty go hand in hand. If a customer feels their buying experience has been positive and the customer care has been to a high standard then it instils greater consumer confidence which is something that will be considered when making future purchases.

A direct marketing campaign allows a company to get their message out to customers on an individual basis, rather than through a mass medium as with more traditional marketing methods. “I firmly believe that our approach of face to face marketing is one of the greatest advantages we have over our competitors. Having the opportunity to speak to someone face to face allows us to build a relationship with our customers. It is a much more personal approach than many other marketing strategies. Being able to greet customers with a smile and a handshake is what instils consumer confidence, which naturally builds brand loyalty. “ Glen Lowes, Managing Director at Complete One.

Many companies are now outsourcing their marketing and sales to companies like Complete One. We put the customer first! By ensuring their experience is a positive one from start to finish we are able to instil consumer confidence which in turn produces higher acquisition rates for our clients while remaining extremely cost effective! The first time a consumer makes a purchase is the prime opportunity to build a relationship and begin to establish brand loyalty. By taking a more direct and personalised approach to marketing, consumer confidence and brand loyalty will simultaneously rise.

Through direct marketing we will continue to strive for customer satisfaction and brand loyalty for our clients.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Complete One ~ From Glasgow to Las Vegas

Now in the last month of the First Financial Quarter of 2014, we thought it was the perfect time to reflect on what we've achieved so far this year. Last month Kirsty Pennal reached Stage 3 of our Business Development Program. We're absolutely thrilled for Kirsty, she has worked incredibly hard over the last 9 months, setting such a great example and we can't wait to see what she's going to accomplish this year.

We attended the first Conference of the year in Glasgow on February 23rd. The conference was attended by some of our business partners in the UK and leaders in our industry. Our Managing Director was asked to be a guest speaker on the day, for the second consecutive conference, which is recognition of the great work we're doing at Complete One. Another great moment on the day was Kirsty having the opportunity to share her success story with the room as she was recognised for her achievements, as pictured below.


Our MD has just returned from a Business Trip in Las Vegas. During his 4 day visit to America's most populated city, he visited some of the most iconic tourist attractions the City has to offer as well as attending meetings with some of our business partners from around the world, gaining insight into other markets and also establishing networking links which will prove invaluable as we begin to expand internationally.

“Although we've not yet finished Q1 we're aahead of schedule for our goals for 2014. I am excited by where we are and where we're going and I predict that Q2 will be even bigger!” ~ Managing Director, Glen Lowes