All too often people confuse entrepreneurs and small business owners; Complete One has shared how they are playing a part in creating a new wave of entrepreneurs and adding significant value to the world of business innovation.
As a nation, we are becoming fixated on labelling anyone who is involved in business as an entrepreneur. A small Business Owner and an entrepreneur are in fact two single unrelated titles. With vast research centred around traits and characteristics of an entrepreneur, the title is belonging more to an individual who is always on the lookout for more. More knowledge, more expertise and more wealth. Whereas a small business owner instead, is often focussing on developing customer solutions and creating a sustainable business model. They do this through methodical practices centred around the sustainability of the business model.
Entrepreneurship can be classified as a lifestyle as opposed to a career choice. With high correlations between behaviours and often isn't considered an option, instead of an innate thought process. Entrepreneurs are measured on their creativity, risk taking the excitement and their ability to shape or future through change. As a society, Complete One entrepreneurial supporters believe it is time to disassociate the two entities to ensure that each party is offered the correct support to reach their potential.
Complete One is one of the fastest growing sales and event marketing firms in the North East and is experts in helping businesses boost their ROI and gain a positive reputation on the market. Through face to face consumer communication, the firm can aid their clients in understanding each customer as an individual and works with them to provide a personalised service which encourages greater brand loyalty.
Through their tailored business development opportunity, Complete One can contribute mentoring opportunities to the North East's entrepreneurs. Glen Lowes is keen to offer support and guidance to ensure entrepreneurial capabilities are surrounded by an environment which encourages creativity and organic situations which allow risk taking abilities to be tested and rewarded. The firm has assisted many successful entrepreneurs across the country. They can establish themselves in the business world through the company's vast network of sales and marketing specialists. The firm also boasts an impressive database of clients, and Complete One have become a firm favourite with big brand company’s due to their diverse range of human resources, and commitment to developing innovative and winning campaigns.
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