Monday, 25 November 2013

Complete One At The Rainbow Valley Charity Ball

Managing Director Glen Lowes attended the annual Rainbow Valley Charity Ball, at the Thistle Hotel in Glasgow, on Saturday November 16th . Rainbow Valley was inspired by the vision of Johanna MacVicar, who in 1994, at age 16 years was diagnosed with Leukaemia. After an 11 year battle, Johanna sadly lost her fight against the illness. Johanna’s mother, Angela, together with family & friends created the charitable organisation Rainbow Valley, to bring Johanna’s dream to fruition. The goal for Rainbow Valley is to raise £1 million over the next two years to allow for the construction of the Rainbow Valley facility, which will benefit everyone affected by cancer.

Having the opportunity to attend the ball and to see all the great work that Rainbow Valley have done so far has made me really appreciate how extremely fortunate I am for all that I have, both personally and professionally” Glen Lowes, Managing Director.

Below is the link to the Rainbow Valley website where you can find out more information on the charity and how you can help them achieve their goal of raising £1m by 2015.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Complete One Add To Our Client Portfolio

Complete One are excited to announce we have began working with a new client in our Newcastle office. They are part of the world’s third largest e-commerce company and their goal is to become Europe’s best way of experiencing high quality entertainment directly on your computer, Smart TV, tablet or game console where you will find everything from Hollywood blockbusters to indie films to old classics!. They launched their service in the UK in September. Coming into an extremely competitive market they believe they can be “a game changer”. They are currently in the middle of a multi million pound marketing campaign with TV advertisements running at prime time. In order to establish themselves in the UK they have turned to Complete One to help create massive exposure of their services in turn acquiring new customers and increasing their market share in the North East.

Having previously conducted marketing campaigns on behalf of the UK's leading provider in this sector, earlier this year, we are confident that we can use the experience gained throughout those marketing campaigns to ensure that we hit the ground running with our new client.

I feel that we've come on board at the perfect time. I am confident that our marketing and sales campaigns will be able to gain tremendous momentum from their huge advertising campaign. They are a great client to work with and they have huge goals, similar to Complete One. I am excited to add them to our portfolio and I feel this acquisition could be the launch pad to our massive growth in 2014.” ~ Managing Director Glen Lowes  

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Complete One's Thoughts On "The Happiness Advantage"

At Complete One we pride ourselves on being able to offer a fun and lively work environment. The type of industry we are in means it is crucial that everyone we work with is positive and happy and can fulfil their full potential each day ensuring that we get the best results for our clients. A genuine smile goes a long way when interacting with customers and having someone enthusiastically promoting the products and services of our clients is exactly what we need. For that reason we put a lot of emphasis on creating a “feel good factor” in our offices. 

"I very much believe in the philosophy that if someone is happy then they will perform better, it's only natural. While meeting targets and ensuring our clients are satisfied with the service we provide is my main concern as a business owner, I like to think that everyone that works with Complete One appreciate the effort myself and my business partners put in to make our business a nurturing and welcoming working environment ensuring their individual happiness in turn allowing them to prosper both personally and professionally helping Complete One to achieve the massive expansion goals we have.” ~ Managing Director Glen Lowes.